It is a leading phone jammers, signal blockers,security products manufacturer in mainland of China. We are professional in design, development, manufacturing and sales. Our factory was founded on 1999 and more than 100 staffs working for cellphone jammers,signal blockers,signal shield,GPS Jammer, WIFI Jammer, 3G Jammer, 4G Jammer,Audio Jammer,Wireless Video Jammer, Dual Band Repeater,Tri Band Repeater etc in mainland ,China. We pride ourselves in providing the best quality products and best level of service to our customers. All most of our products export to Europe,North America ,South America,South Africa,Southeast Asia and other countries&territories.Our company cater to different requirements from our overseas customers, flexibility and responsiveness are our competitive advantages against our rivalry. Our company is committed to "Good Quality, Competitive Price, On Time Delivery" as our guarantee to our customers. All of our products need to pass through stringent inspection during the production process and before shipment. We have a strong R&D team. Over 6 new products been put on sale monthly. By virtue of reliable product, good service and competitive price,our company enjoyed a high reputation among customers and consumers. With more than 10 years experience in the industry, we have a rich experienced ,high technical and professional developing and production team, they are just the warranty of high quality products.. Apart from our existing products, we also welcome individual OEM/ODM projects and can supply products to your requirement and specification.and we also welcome Dropshipping orders from all over the world. Properties for sale Completed Projects Ongoing Projects Years of experience To buy goods in our store, we promise not to disclose any of your payment information and create the best payment environment. We will communicate with you and solve problems through email, online chat, etc. In most cases, we will arrange delivery within 1-2 business days after your payment is successful. Buy products from this store and we promise free worldwide shipping.SHENZHEN KEENPOWER ELECTRONIC LIMITED
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